Stop Trident Demo on Saturday

This Saturday I will be joining the Stop Trident demonstration as Parliament prepares to make a decision on whether to replace Trident later in 2016. The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) has arranged a march from London’s Marble Arch to Trafalgar Square from 12pm on Saturday the 27th of February 2016.

This year parliament will decide whether or not to replace Trident, the UK’s nuclear weapons system. It is clear that opposition to Trident is growing, public meetings and protests are taking place right across the UK to make this opposition clear to the government.

It is my firm held belief that while there is an austerity agenda being imposed upon our communities, the idea of replacing a cold war relic, weapons of mass destruction that cost up to £200 billion is obscene.

This money should be spent investing within our communities or addressing our real security needs. The government itself has said that the major threats are terrorism, cyberwarfare and climate change.

By joining in with the demonstration this Saturday I will be making my continued opposition to Trident clear to the UK Government!